DblIi- How did "DaFilled" come together?
iLL- We used to be in a group called Homeless that had 8 members. After 2 years of doing shows and not having a project, everyone fealt that our different views made it hard to move forward. That group broke up and we kept in touch. We all knew that we wanted to keep moving so we decided to form another group Then in december 2000 we did our first show as DaFilled.
DblIi- How difficult is it (exposure-wise) being a Hip-Hop group in the Midwest, and to a greater degree, one more faith and spiritually based, as opposed to the gangsta ethos that's become so commonplace?
iLL- It's not easy for anybody coming out of Indianapolis. Most artist would rather be rescued, than to overflow into other markets. We knew from the beginning that whatever success was, it wasn't here. We began traveling from the get-go. Our difference(in message) has always been a plus for us. We didn't get added to many shows because of it, but as we look back; those show weren't about much, anyway.
DblIi- Is it harder being a Christian rap group?
iLL- We are not a Christian rap group. We usually don't say anything about it when we are called one because we don't have time to explain. A gospel rap, christian rap, or holy hip hop artist performs for the purpose of bringing attention to Jesus Christ. DaFilled uses our talents to communicate godly principles that can be applied in everyday circumstances. Where as a "christian rap" group might say 'Stop smokin that weed'; we would come up with a hook that talks aout how messed up our life is because we won't let go of the poison that is distracting us from our problems. See the difference?
DblIi- Okay, okay. But being Christian, do you take offense to people who claim there CAN'T be a "gospel hip-hop"?
iLL- Yep. That's nonsense. Visit http://www.illspot.net and tell me there is no such thing. We just don't do gospel hip hop.
DblIi- Do you have any upcoming projects? If so, when can we expect them?
iLL- iLL Holiday aka iLL of DaFilled aka iLL Logikal has a project out in early '09 called Mixed Messages. Braille is working on a project with some of the hottest artists and producers in the midwest. Alpil has recently been married and is taking time off to learn his wife. '09 is a year full of surprises coming from DaFilled camp....So look OUT!
DblIi- Most journalists and critics try to define an artist's sound and most, if not ALL, get it wrong. With that said, how would YOU describe it?
iLL- We want to meet people where the are using this gift of Hip Hop. We are a Hip Hop group....Period! Journalists have to use artists as adjectives. They have to compare to paint a picture of an artist's style. We are Jay-Z meets Marvin Gaye meets Andre 3000. We are where hip-hop is headed. Pure. Uncut. Passion in motion.
DblIi- You guys have won a UMA (Underground Music Award) for "Most Promising Rap Group," have been nominated 3 times, and were the first and ONLY faith-based hip-hop group to win. How does it feel to have that kind of recognition?
iLL- We were actually nominated 5 times... It is a blessing! We were also the first group nominated from Indiana.
DblIi- I know that iLL Holiday is very politically active, hosting voter registration drives and the like. Is this something the whole group feels is important, and why is it so?
iLL- (I've) always been engaged in the community. That's (my) thing. The group came out with a song in response to America's decision to go to war after September 11th attacks. We all believe that there is a time when not saying anything is thing worst thing an artist can do. We want to always use our platform of influence through music to promote positive change.
DblIi- What do you think it will take for the Midwest to "explode" as seen recently in places like Miami, Houston, and Atlanta?
iLL- Get out of town. We can't keep doing the same sets at the same clubs and expect people to know who we are. We have to spread our music across the country. It will make people look for us when they are in our region. We don't have a united movement, so get to somewhere where you are different and use it to stand out!
DblIi- As a part of Hip-Hop culture, there are aspects that, everyone must admit, promote & condone negative ideals. How can WE (as a part of Hip-Hop) change the public's perception of Hip-Hop (as a culture) and it's music?
iLL- You can't convince someone that you are what you are not. Be different and people will peep game.
DblIi- Where can we see you perform soon?
iLL- DaFilled currently isn't performing, but look for us in '09. iLL keeps shows in and out of town. Check out at www.myspace.com/illholiday (for more info).
DblIi- What is the ultimate goal for DaFilled?
iLL- Use our influence to convince people to become better people.
DblIi- Who were some of your influences in you becoming hip-hop artists?
iLL- Too many to name. (OutKast, KRS One, RUN DMC, De La Soul, Jay Z, LL Cool J, Tribe Called Quest...to name a few)
DblIi- Anyone who's seen you perform, has seen you guys throw up doves. What is the significance of it and has it ever been misconstrued as something else?
iLL- Yeah people always think it is a gang sign... (laughing) Terrence J from 106th and Park (hahahaha!) (It's) the Dove of Peace (God's Holy Spirit). We come in Peace.
DblIi- Faith-based or otherwise, what is there to expect from Indianapolis is in the near future?
iLL- Nothing if we can't get into supporting each other.
If you guys wanna get more info on iLL, Alpil, or Big Braille you can find them at:
Get the FREE Ringtone of his Groundbreaking Single "Baseball Cap" just text "902950" to 69937
Thanks for stopping by the spot again! If your an artist trying to get featured, hit me up on myspace (myspace.com/twenty24) or through the email (doubleeye@tmail.com).
Double Ii
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