With that out of the way, I introduce to you tonight, a real treat. My guest at the Mid BEST is the first producer profiled here, as well as a young man I had the pleasure of watching mature over the last few years. I won't lie, I'm a bit biased when it comes to this interview because of the expectations held for him, as well as my own personal sense of accomplishment with his success... Yeah, I know. Let me stop with my nepotism and pandering, I introduce you to CA$H FARGO!!!

RClark- What got you into music?
CFargo- I got into music real early, I wanted to rap and me and a few of my friends from elementary school had a rap group but the thing was we didn't have the money to buy beats from people back then I didn't feel like buying the beats from other people was worth it anyway, so i got a demo version of fruity loops, visited some online forums on Soundclick, found a mentor and BAM! I started learning and learning more and more about how to produce
RClark- You started very young producing How positive or negative did your age impact the people willing to work with you?
CFargo- When I was that young nobody was taking me seriously, a kid in his early teens producing? Unheard of, and he's actually GOOD? Yea right, nobody even wanted to give me a listen It was kind of frustrating cause I listen to producers from here and I listen to peoples mixtapes and albums from Indianapolis, and I'll go ahead and go on the record and say this: The production isn't half as good as the tracks I was making when I was 16! There is a lot of watered down, uninspired production going on and I'm still in a lot of people's eyes one of the COLDEST, if not THEE COLDEST in this city, hands down. Self proclaimed at 16, but critically acclaimed at 19...
RClark- Being from Indianapolis, I know that the sound hasn't been really defined yet? What do you bring to the table (sonically) to help the city establish itself in Hip-Hop?
CFargo- Sonically I'm on some next level production, the difference between me and these other "Producers" from Indianapolis, and it's not a cocky or arrogant thing, is I push the boundaries. It all stems from who my influences are, some of these dudes never sat down in a record store and listened to some records for hours straight just to get a feel for which way this artist's drums were panned, and which way the vocals were recorded and layed over the track to give it another feel. When I'm working with Amani, do you know how much better my production comes out? It's like, were the dynamic duo in this game, WE ARE Indianapolis. We ARE setting the standard for what REAL music is supposed to sound like.
RClark- Do you have any upcoming projects? If so, when can we expect them?
CFargo- "CashMani" The Mixtape coming soon, This record is going to be crazy being that it's me and Amani's first full length, all production done by CA$H FARGO type of record. Everyone knows me for "Bitch I'm Paid" and "A to the M" among others but a full length mixtape Fargo and Amani... I think it's going to officially set the standard for this city. www.myspace.com/streetfoodmuzik"Rowdy Superstar" - Tick Tock Remix (Prod. CA$H FARGO) This will be my first international project. I'm remaking a track for Rowdy Superstar from London. It's actually going to be like... a BIG, BIG record for me so it's kind of a big deal. Be on the lookout for that. "Meta-4", I have a track produced on Meta-4's "Rap Ramadan" album. If your not familiar with Meta-4, he's an artist from New York, met him when I was around 17 or something and we been making music ever since. Check him out www.myspace.com/metaquatro.
RClark- Me and you go back some years (Shout out to Midtown Music!). Listening to beats you've created lately, I can hear how you've grown musically. What's the process like (now that you're older), that you go through, when you start working on a new beat?
CFargo- I remember Midtown Music (laughs), I couldn't get anybody to listen to my music. I remember running down a entire CD with you and your face just... scrunching up all crazy like (laughs)! That's when I knew I was going in the right direction. I go through changes with my music, I don't have a particular sound, or a particular way I like to do things. I just go in and feel it. Sometimes I might like to sample so I'll listen to some records and hear particular SOUNDS, I hate when people take entire LOOPS and just loop the Sh*% out of it, put some drums and call it a beat. I look at everything like a puzzle, man take that sample, chop and flip that SH&T a couple different ways, try some effects, if it feels great.. Just do it. Don't go with the NORM... I'm working on my Youtube channel so they can see Fargo making a beat, I'm just all over the place man!!
RClark- What can the public expect (in the future) from Indianapolis, as far as new acts, or people that we should be checking for?
Gutta Boiz (http://www.myspace.com/theguttaboiz
RClark- What are you currently listening to in your IPOD?
CFargo- This is gonna trip some people out, Let's run down an artist list right quick: Amani, Pharrell, Kanye West, Coldplay, Teriyaki Boyz, Cassius, Stereolab, Fall Out Boy, Fela Kuti, and I'm not just saying that to sound cool I'm like actually serious right now!
RClark- I know that solidarity between artists in the city hasn't been strong, lately. Do you, as a producer, ever feel a backlash behind the non-unity?
CFargo- Indiana HipHop awards = BULLSHIT! That's all I have to say... Fargo should have been producer of the year, regardless of if I was on everybody from here's project! I STILL had the COLDEST overall production and the best QUALITY work. Period!
RClark- Recently I spoke with AMANI (feature interview coming SOON!), and he gave one hell of a co-sign saying, "CA$H Fargo is, hands down, the COLDEST (producing)! Bar none!" How do statements like that make you feel?
CFargo- Like I'm doing something right, but I can't just let it get to my head and run around like... "Yo, I'm bout to charge a million a track!" *Sings* (A Milli, A Milli, A Milli) *Laughs* Nah, I just gotta take it as I'm doing something right, I'm running in the right direction with this music.
RClark- I heard the track "A To The M" (among others) on AMANI's new mixtape "12 Rounds". As always, I was blown away, by your production! How did you come up with that concept?
CFargo- Me and Amani came up with that, sitting here listening to (Prince's) "Diamonds and Pearls" and he was like, "Yo! They say all the letters in my name!", and I was like, "Let me make this happen right quick"... "Snip, Click, Pop, Pow, and BAM!"... you got "A to the M" one of the coldest produced tracks by ya boi CA$H FARGO!
RClark- What's more important to you, right now: Fame from producing or respect as one of the best?
CFargo- It used to be respect, and I used to want people to be like, "Man he's the first from Nap to do this or he's the first to do that", now *(excuse my french)* I just want the checks, straight up. Just cut me a check or have my bread when you come to work with me, I'm not expensive. I'm down to earth and humble, but it's gotten to the point where wanting respect from people is just.. unattainable in this city because were all fighting for one thing. "The first to be this" or "The first to do this" and that's one reason why Atlanta is a hotbed for music right now and were not making that much of a ruckus... All we need to do is link up and make some groundbreaking work. That's it!
RClark- Who haven't you worked with, that you'd want to at this stage in your career?
CFargo- Pharrell, Kanye West, but these are things that I'm trying to speak into existence. But when it comes to others and especially from the city I really want to work with everyone from my city. Some of these people probably heard about me or heard my work and don't know how to get at me for beats, those are the people who I want to work with. Definately need to hear Double Ii on one of my tracks tho.. been a long time coming.
RClark- For the sake of artists (local, independent, or major label) looking to get beats from you, how do they get in touch? And what is the going rate for a CA$H Fargo track?
fargotrackz@gmail.com, I'm negotiable with prices, just bring your budget to me and tell me what your trying to achieve.
RClark- Ultimately, what do want your legacy to be in Hip-Hop? What do you want people to know about CA$H Fargo?
CFargo- That's he's the most versatile producer they're probably ever going to encounter. He makes Hyphy. He makes Crunk. He makes Pop, R&B, Rock and does it all so well. Anybody can say they can produce in all genres, but can they make a noteworthy transition? Fargo.. Strongly Doubts It!
Be easy fam,
Double Ii
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